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Holiday houses in Bad Gastein & holiday apartments in Bad Gastein

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Location reviews

Total rating of Bad Gastein

4.2 out of 5 (47 Customer reviews)
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This is what holiday rental customers wrote about Bad Gastein 

  • 5.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer wrote
    on 31/12/2021 in German, travel period: December 2021

    “Das Skigebiet ist super, da es sehr viele lange Abfahrten hat. Skibus hält nah beim Haus. Einkaufsmöglichkeiten sind schnell in Bad Gastein oder Bad Hofgastein zu erreichen.
    In der Therme gibt es ein Fitnessstudio.”

    This review has been given for property no. 1446203

  • 4.0 out of 5
    atraveo customer BVK wrote
    on 02/03/2020 in Dutch, travel period: February 2020

    “Prima skigebied. Wij zijn er in de drukste week van het jaar geweest, met carnaval, maar hebben geen wachtrijen voor de liften gehad.
    Skiverhuur was erg duur, met name die aan de piste. Als je het huis boekt, krijg je een voucher met korting voor skihuur bij 'skirent'. Advies is om die te gebruiken.
    Wij hebben onze spullen in het depot gestald, dat viel qua prijs wel mee (22,50 pp voor de hele week). Op de pistes leuke hutten met normale prijzen.
    Voor een dagje is het gebied Graukogel aan te raden. Rustige, prachtige pistes!
    Slecht geregeld waren de skibussen en de tijden. In het hoogseizoen rijden de bussen vaker, maar er is nergens informatie te vinden hoe vaak. We hebben een keer een uur staan wachten (na 17.00 u) op de laatste skibus die echt stampvol zat.
    Tip om lekker en bijzonder te eten: Bellevue Alm. Je moet er met een liftje (7 euro pp) naartoe. Reserveren is een must.
    Bad Gastein zelf is een beetje vergane glorie. Veel leegstaande hotels. Jammer, want het was echt ooit een plaats met allure.”

    This review has been given for property no. 205350

  • 5.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer wrote
    on 18/09/2018 in Czech, travel period: September 2018

    “Good starting point for the mountain trips.”

    This review has been given for property no. 1224194

  • 4.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer has submitted the following rating
    on 11/09/2018, travel period: September 2018

    less recommended

    This review has been given for property no. 1224194

  • 4.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer wrote
    on 09/07/2018 in Dutch, travel period: June 2018

    “Prima uitvalsbasis voor dagtochtjes, ook met de autotrein bij Böckstein, dit is prima te doen. Dagelijkse boodschappen bij de spar in Bad Gastein tegenover de kabelbaan naar de Stubnerkogel. Middagconcert(je) in Bad Hofgastein. Verdere zomervertier toch wel verderop zoeken maar daarvoor ben je op vakantie. Vooral de Grossglockner hochalpenstrasse is een bezoekje waard.”

    This review has been given for property no. 415370

This is how holiday rental owners described Bad Gastein

Bad Gastein offers holidays for body & soul, all year round.

With alpine peaks that rise beyond the three-thousand-meter mark, all the way up into the glacial zones of the Hohe Tauern range, Bad Gastein isn't just the Monte Carlo of the Alps, it is also a paradise for fans ...
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of outdoor sports. But even putting the countless sporting opportunities aside, this charming Belle Époque town has even more to offer. Here, caressed by the glorious mountain scenery of Gastein Valley, not only can you enjoy extraordinary skiing, biking or hiking, you can also relax wonderfully and simply enjoy the astonishing beauty which surrounds you. Bad Gastein has many different faces, from deep in the valley to the top of the highest mountains. Each more beautiful than the last. But don't just take our word for it, come see for yourself. Book your personal timeout in Bad Gastein.
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source: Ikrath

Photos of the town

  • Bad Gastein, Salzburgerland (Pongau)

    Holiday apartment for max. 2 persons

    Property no. 3522832
    from USD 1,035
    for 1 week
    Approx. 50 m², 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, pets not allowed, dishwasher, non-smoking property
  • Bad Gastein, Salzburgerland (Pongau)

    Holiday home for max. 6 persons

    Property no. 2321833
    from USD 2,941
    for 1 week
    Approx. 160 m², 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, pets not allowed, TV, washing machine, dishwasher, non-smoking property
  • Bad Gastein, Salzburgerland (Pongau)

    Holiday apartment for max. 6 persons

    Property no. 3417672
    from USD 4,809
    for 1 week
    Approx. 88 m², 3 bedrooms, pets not allowed, satellite TV, Internet, Wifi, dishwasher, non-smoking property, sauna
  • Bad Gastein, Salzburgerland (Pongau)

    Holiday apartment for max. 6 persons

    Property no. 3417673
    from USD 4,042
    for 1 week
    Approx. 85 m², 2 bedrooms, pets not allowed, satellite TV, Internet, Wifi, dishwasher, non-smoking property, sauna
  • Bad Gastein, Salzburgerland (Pongau)

    Holiday apartment for max. 6 persons

    Property no. 3417694
    from USD 4,617
    for 1 week
    Approx. 95 m², 2 bedrooms, pets not allowed, satellite TV, Internet, Wifi, dishwasher, sauna
  • Bad Gastein, Salzburgerland (Pongau)

    Holiday apartment for max. 6 persons

    Property no. 3417700
    from USD 4,037
    for 1 week
    Approx. 95 m², 3 bedrooms, pets not allowed, satellite TV, Internet, Wifi, dishwasher, sauna
  • Bad Gastein, Salzburgerland (Pongau)

    Holiday apartment for max. 6 persons

    Property no. 3417705
    from USD 4,042
    for 1 week
    Approx. 108 m², 3 bedrooms, pets not allowed, satellite TV, Internet, Wifi, dishwasher, non-smoking property, sauna
  • Bad Gastein, Salzburgerland (Pongau)

    Holiday apartment for max. 6 persons

    Property no. 3417706
    from USD 4,842
    for 1 week
    Approx. 115 m², 3 bedrooms, pets not allowed, satellite TV, Internet, Wifi, dishwasher, non-smoking property, sauna
  • Bad Gastein, Salzburgerland (Pongau)

    Holiday apartment for max. 4 persons

    Property no. 3417707
    from USD 2,015
    for 1 week
    Approx. 80 m², 2 bedrooms, pets not allowed, satellite TV, Internet, Wifi, dishwasher, non-smoking property, sauna
  • Bad Gastein, Salzburgerland (Pongau)

    Holiday apartment for max. 6 persons

    Property no. 3417709
    from USD 2,324
    for 1 week
    Approx. 95 m², 3 bedrooms, pets not allowed, satellite TV, Internet, Wifi, dishwasher, non-smoking property, sauna
  • Bad Gastein, Salzburgerland (Pongau)

    Holiday apartment for max. 2 persons

    Property no. 3417712
    from USD 1,284
    for 1 week
    Approx. 60 m², 1 bedroom, pets not allowed, satellite TV, Internet, Wifi, non-smoking property, sauna
  • Bad Gastein, Salzburgerland (Pongau)

    Holiday apartment for max. 6 persons

    Property no. 3417714
    from USD 3,615
    for 1 week
    Approx. 110 m², 3 bedrooms, pets not allowed, satellite TV, Internet, Wifi, dishwasher, non-smoking property, sauna